Chattagram International Medical College (CIMC) is approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh, recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC), affiliated by the Chittagong Medical University.

Contact Info
  • Chattagram International Medical College and Hospital
  • 206/1, Haji Chand Meah Road, Shamser Para, P/O: Darul Ma`rif, P/S : Chandgaon, Chattogram



Division of International Affairs & Research (DIAR), Chattagram International Medical College and Chattagram International Dental College was established in June, 2017. It is the institutional centre for research & collaboration at regional, national and international levels. DIAR has two wings; Research Wing and International Affairs Wing. The secretariat office of DIAR is located at Room-311, 2nd Floor, Academic Building-2, 206/1, Haji Chand Meah Road, Shomser Para, Chandgoan, Chattogram.


Unlock Your Research Potential


  • To provide a creative atmosphere and research drive

  • To monitor, record & facilitate all the research activities of institute

  • To foster collaborative research work with other institutions

Future Plan:

Unlock Your Research Potential

  • To develop research wing, DIAR as a complete centre of excellence for research in medical field, nationally and globally

  • Collaborative research, publication & workshop/training/ conference

Award won completed research projects: View