Chattagram International Medical College (CIMC) is approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh, recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC), affiliated by the Chittagong Medical University.

Contact Info
  • Chattagram International Medical College and Hospital
  • 206/1, Haji Chand Meah Road, Shamser Para, P/O: Darul Ma`rif, P/S : Chandgaon, Chattogram

Recruitment Policy

Recruitment and promotion are undertaken by maintaining all the basic outline procedures set by BMDC.

Recruitment Procedures:

Job Advertisement: Job vacancies are announced internally and externally by giving advertisement in different newspapers covering the detail how candidates will apply for positions, including any required documents or assessments

Screening: Applications are reviewed and candidates are shortlisted for interviews by set criteria.

Formation of board and Interviews: Interview board or panels are formed; interviews are conducted following evaluation criteria.

Selection and approval: Appropriate candidates are selected by sorting of qualifications, skills and experience. Final recommendation is approved by Governing Body.

Promotion Procedures:

Eligibility: Employees must meet specific criteria to be considered for promotion, such as performance, tenure, qualifications, and skills development.

Announcement: Promotion opportunities are announced and communicated to eligible employees.

Application: Employees formally apply for promotion consideration.

Formation of board, evaluation and decision Making: Employees are assessed in detail for promotion, including performance reviews, skills assessments, and interviews. After thorough evaluation, decision is made and submitted to Governing Body for approval.